Yayasan Sahabat Orang Sakit (SOS) was founded in 2010, which was officially registered in the 2014 notary deed. It all started with his servant, Ps. Stefanus Wijaya who was continuing his Postgraduate Theology education in Singapore who later set up SOS services in Singapore, because he sees it every year , patients in Singapore, eighty percent from Indonesia, and this service is welcomed by Indonesians who seek treatment in Singapore. The SOS Singapore ministry is under the auspices of the local Singapore Church NDFI or the New Destiny International Fellowship.

Now it has expanded to China: Guangzhou and Zhensen, Malaysia: Penang, Malacca and Kuching, even over time it has networked in cities in Indonesia and other cities in Asia, Australia, America and Europe. SOS has trained mentors who are ready to serve people who are sick and their families, and with the mercy of God who guide all services, expand even more, and disciple patients with their families to serve other sick people. There are many seminars, TRC, Local Training, Singapore SOS Academy, Training for Trainers, Training for Servants of God, as well as Training Chaplaincy to strengthen SOS servants and teachers which have now increased to 104 city networks in Indonesia, and world wide 40 city networks, for Asia 21 Cities, Australia 1 City, Europe 15 Cities, and America 3 Cities, while for the Academy there are 140 classes and 6 Training for Trainers.

Serving the sick is not only praying for, but helping them with funds, for those who have difficulties with funds, so to make this easier, SOS is divided into 3 regions, namely the West, Central and East Regions, and each region is responsible for city services -city in their respective territories.

No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.

1 Corinthians 10:13


Light for sickness who impact the wide Cities.


  • Train to serve the sickness to made them strong in the middle of disease,which they dealing with.
  • Train to serve the sickness to be able to serve the other sickness.

  • Train to serve the sickness to be a blessing for the city where they live

Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.

John 14:12


Name: Yayasan Sahabat Orang Sakit (SOS Global Ministries)

Akta Notaris : Nomor 9 Tanggal 25 Juni 2014 – Notaris :Maswati Halim SH

Akta Perubahan Sementara Proses

SK MenHukHam:Nomor AHU- 03358.50.10.2014 Tentang Pengesahan Pendirian Badan Hukum Yayasan Sahabat Orang Sakit.

Website : http;//sosglobalministries.org

E-mail : yayasansahabatorangsakit@gmail.com /sosglobalministries@gmail.com

Social Media Account: Facebook – SOS Global Ministries dan IG – sosglobalimistries

Chairman : Ps. Stefanus Widjaja

West Region Coordinator : Ps. Thomson Lumban Gaol

Central Region Coordinator : Ps. Lianawati Marbun

East Region Coordinator : Ps. Yustivianus Simangunsong

Purpose and Objectives: Conducting social and humanitarian activities

Motto: “A friend loves all the time and becomes a brother in trouble”

Program :

1. Local Training

2. Singapore SOS Academy

3. Training For Trainer

4. Prayer Tower

5. Online Bazaar


Come join us friends Global Ministries sick people, serve with the love of Christ, be a blessing to the cities where you are …