Sahabat Orang Sakit (SOS) Global Ministries, not only serving and praying for patients, but also helping the efforts of its members, including community service and God’s congregations in SOS network cities. There are various programs carried out in community service, including Shelter Houses, Friends of God’s Servants (SHT), Friends of Doctors, and Online Bazaar.
Syalom Friends of the Sick (SOS) Global Ministries! Praise God, the hopes and longings of the Eastern Indonesia Region SOS, to expand services, to help friends referred to hospitals in Makassar city, because of the limited medical equipment in their area, have been realized, with the open house located on Jalan Bonerate 22 Makassar. This 3-story house was lent by his servant who loves God and entrusted him to SOS Makassar, South Sulawesi, to manage the Shelter House. Through SOS Makassar, the halfway house was renovated, and thanks to the helping hand of God’s children who have donated equipment in the form of mattresses, pillows, chairs and funds for operations, the Founder of SOS, Ps. Stefanus Wijaya, December 2, 2019, and it has functioned properly and regularly. However, it is truly realized, that to help referral patients at the Halfway House, help is needed from all parties, and if a friend who loves God, feels called, is blessed to help with services and needs at the halfway house, so that it remains a blessing for the patient and his family, please channel it through an SOS Makassar account at BRI Bank 3811 0103 6983 533, so that the referred patient can be served continuously for the glory of God. It is the hope of SOS Makassar for the Eastern Indonesia Region, through this Halfway House those who do not believe in God can feel God’s love through this ministry, and for those who already believe in God they will be strengthened, after they are cured they can serve in their home area and become witnesses of God telling of the goodness of God.

Sahabat Servant of God (SHT) is a program that involves servants of God who serve over 5 years, and have 25 congregations in the areas around the Riau Islands and Riau Provinces. SHT aims to pay attention to God’s Servants by holding training in Singapore, in order to raise the spirit of serving. SHT has 3 pillars, namely Social, Service and Business. For Social Affairs, it is devoted to 300 servants of God who are affected by covid 19. The assistance was given in 4 stages, in the form of 10 kg of rice, Rp 50,000 of basic food, rice and groceries and Rp 150,000 in cash. Every Servant of God who receives basic food is obliged to give 2 packs of rice to others who are in dire need. For Services, SHT held several SHT and SOS Network Webinars, in order to increase the spirit of service, and for business, SHT collaborated with several of God’s children who are experts in agriculture and will focus on Agriculture and Plantation in various places to generate money for SHT operations.
SAHABAT DOKTER is the SOS Global Ministries community service program in the health sector. This program when Covid 19 is conducted online through the zoom application every Saturday, and will be adjusted if the time changes. There is a variety of accurate information about diseases, nutrition, how to keep the body healthy, and various other topics, which are conveyed directly by reliable and trusted sources to the wider community. They are Specialists, Nutritionists and Fitness Experts, as well as Psychologists. The Sahabat Dokter program is a blessing for others, by providing accurate information regarding disease cases experienced by the community. Health seminars that have been conducted are about bones, vertigo, how to treat and prevent coronary heart disease, and be aware of Covid, as well as many other topics. Apart from being free of charge, this program is of course very meaningful to all SOS members, because they can convey accurate information to everyone they meet, be it for the patient, the patient’s family and even in the neighborhood.

Online activities, carried out openly for all SOS members who have a business or merchandise to be promoted to local and international SOS networks through social media accounts Instagram (IG) and Facebook SOS Global Ministries (FB). The conditions are that they have registered as an SOS member and have attended local training and received recommendations from the local City and SOS Area PIC. This activity was carried out for two days, then through the committee a door prize was provided to several buyers and sellers who were active in making transactions during the bazaar. The seller provides the buyer data to the committee to be drawn as the Doorprize winner. SOS will only act as a liaison between buyers and sellers.