SOS Global Ministries services are directly carried out when visiting sick patients, both at home and in the hospital. However, during the Covid 19 pandemic, praying for patients can only be done through virtual work. Praying for the patient is not considered a trivial matter, especially when needed when the patient is weak, helpless or critical. SOS in the middle of a pandemic, forming a Prayer Tower.
An access that connects patients with prayer online via the zoom application, which is held every day from Monday to Saturday, morning, afternoon and evening in turns according to the time zone in the SOS service area and network. The 18 cities selected as guides and executors who are ready in prayer towers with patients are Monday; Pekanbaru, Palu, Pati, Tuesday; Semarang, Ambon, Medan, Wednesday; Bandung, Rantepao, Batam, Thursday; Makassar, Jakarta, Bogor, Friday; Palembang, Bekasi, Manado, Saturday; Serpong, M Transana, and Jambi. The programs held at the Prayer Tower were Praise, Word Share, Patient Testimony, which then prayed for each other, and continued with a prayer of blessing. Each Prayer Tower activity will be made a report to follow up on patient assistance, so that they can be discipled and sent to serve other patients. All patients who enter the prayer tower have gone through the SOS call center, whose link has been given to all SOS networks throughout Indonesia, to be given to every patient who longs to be served and prayed for.