Friends of the Sick (SOS) Global Ministries to strengthen their services to reach cities in Indonesia and the world, embracing everyone who has a desire to be friends for those who suffer from illnesses, is carried out by holding trainings. Specifically for training, it is organized in three processes, namely Local Training, International Training or the Singapore SOS Academy, and Training For Trainers.
A training process or training conducted in every city that is ready to network with SOS, or that already has an SOS network, and wants to increase the troops of friends of the sick in their city. Participants who attended were from various Church denominations according to conditions in their respective cities. Participants will be trained for three days with materials in the form of introduction to ministry and miracle healing, flow in gifts, sources of disease, techniques for praying for the sick, and maintaining healing. Each session given by the speakers was interspersed with in-class practice, visits to local hospitals and evaluations which ended with a joint TRC involving the participants as well as patients. Each participant who participates through registration will receive a training package in the form of a material book, PIN, and certificate.
Singapore / International Training: Continuation Process of Local Training, held in Singapore, which aims to train to serve people who are sick, to be strong in the midst of their illness, train to serve people who are sick to be able to serve other sick people, and train to serve people the sick to be a blessing to the city in which he lived. Participants ranging from 3-5 people, male and female categories, will carry out practical services to hospitals and patient homes in turns starting in groups, until doing the practice itself, guided by special trainers. Participants who take part must have an active passport, and have attended local training, get a recommendation from the local SOS chairman, and agree to any requirements that are obtained when registering. If the academy that the participants participated in is considered good, then each participant will get an academy certificate and can participate in all training held by the social organization every year in Singapore or areas where SOS activities are held.
Special selection for each participant who will be trained as a speaker in the Local Training activities, by referring to the SOS vision and mission and exploring the content of the material for each session given during the local training. Participants have attended local training, international training or the Singapore academy, received a recommendation from the local SOS chairman, and passed the selection when registering. Participants range from 3-5 people, male or female. TFT is implemented in Singapore or in Indonesia. Each participant who passes the training will receive a special certificate and will be facilitated as a speaker at each local training that is held in cities per region in Indonesia.