SOS Makassar Holds Training For Toraja Area in Makale and Rantepao
SOS Makassar Holds Training For Toraja Area in Makale and Rantepao
After successfully conducting local training in Palopo and Mangkutana, Friends of the Sick (SOS) Makassar networked again to open the SOS South Sulawesi service area by holding local trainingin Toraja, precisely in Makale and Rantepao.
One of the implementing team, Reverent Lince Maasi told eBahanavia cellphone, after the activity(14/10/19) that SOS Makassar was temporarily tidying up by conducting a mission trip in a location where local traininghad been held, and holding trainingfor the surrounding area for the benefit of SOS South Sulawesi services in the future.
As for this activity, said Maasi, was held in 2 different places, namely in the Makale and Rantepao areas (07-10 / 10/19). “For the trainingheld in Makale, it was held at GBI Bethany Makale, and for Rantepao it was held at the Pentecostal Church of the Rantepao Gospel Congregation,” he said.
The participants in the activity, continued Maasi, in Makale were 34 people, from 2 Church denominations, GBI and GPDI, while in Rantepao there were 22 participants, from three Church denominations, namely
GKP, GBI and Catholic, conducted in 2 locations, received the same material from 2 presenters.
“The introduction to the ministry of power and miracles, the session on gifts of the Holy Spirit, and SOP SOS was delivered by Pdt. Yus Simangungsong, while the session on sources of illness and techniques for praying for the sick was delivered by Ev. Jhon Sonda Patu, S.T., M.Si, the participants seemed very enthusiastic in responding to every teaching given by the two presenters, “he said.
Besides holding training, through the SOS Makassar team, a similar thing was also held as was done in the M Transportana and Palopo areas, namely conducting free blood sugar and blood pressure checks, “We also invite training participantson the second day, to practice the material obtained on the first day, by conducting visits and prayer services to hospitals and patient homes. We ended the events in each area by conducting a TRC with the participants and sympathizers of the local congregations, “he explained.
Furthermore, said Maasi, seeing the enthusiasm of the training participants and the large number of patient services in this area, SOS Makassar has a longing for a shelter, which can accommodate a friend of the sick who is seeking treatment at the Makassar City Hospital, and can be used for eastern Indonesia. “We have a desire to have a halfway house, and thank God there is a bright spot, but we still need prayer support from various parties, apart from forming management in the city and area, to foster a sense of brotherhood with fellow servants in the SOS Makassar region, South Sulawesi, later in December. , in a series of Christmas thanksgiving, spiritual tours will be held to Palopo, Mangkutana and Toraja, ”said Maasi. (JFMP)
Author: Joanny F. M. Pesulima – Freelance Journalist
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